Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Invaded #1

Alien 3 (1992). Dir. David Fincher.
The Invaded

By: Ricardo A. Serrano Denis

This story is about an alien invasion that happened by mistake. A race of female aliens crash lands on Earth and decides to take over, enslaving what's left of the human race. But this isn't a 'see what happens when woman inherits the Earth' type of scenario. Everyone will get their equal share here, for the female aliens were forced out of their planet by their male counterparts. And this conflict will spill over to Earth, where a small community bands together in the hopes of surviving another planet's gender issues. I was thinking of Y The Last Man, Saga, and Alien when plotting the story out. I hope to write it for as long as I have interesting things to say with it.

The Invaded #1: Script

Page 1 (series of horizontal panels)

Panel 1: Front-shot of two teenage kids standing in the middle of field. One kid (shaved head—we only see a grey outline where the hair is supposed to grow back—black shirt and an air of roughness about him) is pointing an air-rifle towards something that’s in front of him but off-panel. The other kid has black hair and a red shirt. He doesn’t look as rough as the kid with the rifle. The kid with the red shirt is called Simon. The kid with the rifle is called Jason.

Simon: Maybe it’s better we practice with cans, Jason. Let’s just take it down and put it back where we found it.

Jason: If you’re gonna aim at something, Simon…

Panel 2: Side-shot of the kids. We see a line of trees behind them. They’re not far from a woods area. Beyond the woods is a farm with various families. The kids come from that farm.

Jason: …better make it you’ll be shooting at it further down the road.

Panel 3: Extreme close-up of Jason bolting up the rifle, readying it.

Jason: My Pa used to say that. Never knew what he meant until now.

Panel 4: Extreme close-up of Jason’s finger pulling down on the trigger.

SFX: Pht! (air-rifle sound)

Page 2

Panel 1: Shot of Jason and Simon looking forward (at the thing Jason shot at which is off panel). Jason is holding the rifle up.

Jason: Headshot.

Panel 2: Big panel of a female alien creature tied to tree. It looks like it’s been dead a while, way before the kids tied it up. There’s a black spot on her forehead where the air-rifle pellet hit. The pellet is stuck on her forehead. It has four arms and a very ugly face. Her jaw is open and we can see her mouth is just filled with sharp teeth. She has black spiked hair (punk-styled) and her shoulders, chest, and parts of her legs are covered in a rudimentary yet alien kind of armor, light armor (the same goes with other alien characters in terms of armor). We mostly just see her skin which is half black and half white (this one is split down the middle in terms of the black and the white—one side black and the other white—but other aliens will vary in terms of color variation). She looks strong, a mass of muscles that makes her look imposing and badass. She has four long fingers per hand and sharp nails. The nails look almost like blades. Her breasts are big enough to get the point across that the alien is female. There are flies buzzing around the alien’s corpse. Her eyes are entirely black with white irises. (Insert title here: State of Hell, and credits.)

Panel 3: We see the kids walking up to the alien’s corpse. Jason is reloading the rifle.

Simon: But you’re dad’s dead, Jason.

Jason: Doesn’t make it bad advice.

Page 3

Panel 1: Shot of Simon untying the body from the tree and Jason looking forward. We’re standing behind Jason. Behind the tree we see a dark four-armed silhouette walking towards them.

Simon: We should bury it. We wouldn’t want them to find one of their own with a pellet—

Jason: Simon, get up.

SFX: crack (sound of twigs breaking close to the dark silhouette)

Panel 2: We see Jason pointing his rifle towards the thing that’s coming their way. Both of them look very scared. The alien is still pretty much covered in shadows. It has a big Mohawk.

Simon: Quick, shoot it.

Panel 3: Close up of Jason aiming his rifle while a white four-fingered hand is grabbing the rifle. Jason is looking at the hands. The fingers’ nails are sharp, like blades.

Panel 4: Both kids look over their shoulder to see what’s behind them. There are big shadows cast over them. Jason is still holding onto the rifle with one hand while it’s being raised up by a heavily muscled white arm.

Page 4

Panel 1: Big panel of two more female aliens that look just like the alien tied to the tree. One has her hair spiked up and is smiling, showing her sharpened teeth (her face is entirely black but her body is almost entirely white with exception of two of her arms). The one that’s holding on to the rifle has hair on one side of her head and is looking at Jason (the top part of her head is black while her lower part is white, and so it goes with the rest of her body). This one’s not smiling. Jason’s rifle goes off. Both aliens carry a big curved blade with them that resembles a scimitar but with its edges rugged (like a chainsaw).


Panel 2: We see the two kids looking up to the aliens whilst a third alien walks out of the woods. She has a big black Mohawk and there is a very big scar running down from her forehead all the way down to the left corner of her mouth. The area around her eyes are black but she’s mostly all white with exception to the area below her knees which are black. She looks like the pack’s leader. She also has a blade.

Spiked hair alien: (alien language).

Panel 3: Shot of the Mohawk alien standing in next to Simon but talking to the alien who spoke first (Spiked hair alien). She looks like she’s giving an order.

Panel 4: Spiked hair alien grabs Simon by his neck.

Panel 5: Simon has been picked up by the neck and is brought to level with the alien’s mouth. We just see her sharp teeth. She’s speaking to Simon. Simon looks terrified.

Spiked hair alien: Run…and don’t forget to scream.

Page 5
Y The Last Man. By Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra.

Panel 1: We’re inside a house, in the kitchen. Now we meet our protagonist: Lynn Donovan. Lynn is tall, slim but athletic, dark haired, and has a scar on her neck. It looks quite healed but is still visible. She’s dressed in a red button shirt with its sleeves rolled up and jeans. She’s cleaning the plates. We can see the kitchen table in the shot. Her husband is sitting down in one of its seats. His name is Earle Donovan. He looks fit, has short scruffy hair, and has an army tattoo on his forearm. The tattoo says U.S. Infantry and has a M1 Grand rifle across it. He’s missing his right leg. He’s just sitting at the table, his chin resting on the knuckles of his hands. He looks serious. He is missing his right leg (we see his crutch leaning on the wall). There are windows behind Lynn. Through them we see other houses close to the woods area. Her house is close to the woods as well but there’s a distance between them. We see people going about their business. There are seven houses in total. The first house belongs to the Donovans. Sharon and her boy, Jason, live next door (Jason is the one who shot the air-rifle). Bill and Cordelia live in another house, an elderly couple with conservative sensibilities (farmers straight out of American Gothic). Clark lives alone further up (we see him soon). Joseph and Peter Land occupy another household. They are a married gay couple (we’ll get to know them further along the story) with an adopted teenage girl, Jess. Kristy lives in another house, alone. She sticks close to the Lands. She’s an old hippy. Quentin and his grandson, Simon (Jason’s friend), make up the last household. Quentin is big, strong man that is a step behind Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino. And yet, he looks defeated. He only looks after his grandson and has now aspirations to leadership.

Lynn VO: Funny how horrible things start like that.

Clark VO (this character will be introduced shortly): Start like what?

Panel 2: We see Lynn turning around to look outside the windows as if she’s been startled. Something’s happening outside. We don’t see this, but Simon has come back and he is screaming. Earle stays in the same position. He doesn’t move or get alerted.

Simon (off-panel): AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

Lynn: No…

LynnVO: With a scream.

Panel 3: Front shot of Earle sitting on the table, his chin still resting on the knuckles of his hands. He’s just looking forward. We see Lynn walking behind him towards the front door.

Clark VO: Who was on watch duty?

Lynn VO: Does it matter? Whoever it was wasn’t doing their job, letting two kids run alone into the woods.

Panel 4: Front-shot of Lynn standing on her front door looking to where the scream came from. It came from inside the woods, closer to the little farm community. Again, there are seven small houses in total. There is a big cattle shed at the far end of the community. The cattle shed is not fully closed up so as to let air flow through it. They have cattle there. But this kind of cattle is different. We will see what makes it different shortly.

Clark VO: Again, Clark, does it matter? What’s done is done. That’s punishment enough.

Page 6

Panel 1: We see Lynn standing on her front porch looking at Simon as he comes running out of the woods. He’s still screaming.


Panel 2: Front shot of woods with the three large four-armed aliens and Jason walking closer to the edge of the woods. The alien with half a head of hair is grabbing Jason. There’s blood on his face. They’re still heavily shadowed.

Panel 3: Now they’re out of the woods. Jason is being held up by his arms. He looks in pain. The aliens look calm, composed, as if personifying the calm before the storm.

Panel 4: Same shot with Jason being thrown down to the ground.

Page 7

Panel 1: Front shot of Jason’s mother, Sharon, looking one as the situation with her son develops. She looks numb, not in a state of worry or panic. She’s has short light hair and is of normal height. She looks experienced, rugged, like a woman who wears hardships on her sleeves for all to see. She has a basket with white sheets on her side. It looks like she has no intention of screaming, crying, or saving her son (think of American women during the Great Depression—hard features that coincided with the times). We get a better look at the small community behind her. More people have come out of their houses. Some have dropped what they’re doing to see what’s happening. We Lynn’s house in the panel and Lynn running to Sharon.

Clark VO: Whose kid was it?

Lynn VO: Sharon’s. She didn’t try anything. She just stood there, looking.

Lynn: No! Stop!

Sharon: It’s ok, Lynn. He knew he shouldn’t have been out there. Boy’s as stubborn as his father was.

Panel 2: We return to the Jason and the three aliens. The spiked hair alien looks like she’s receiving an order from the Mohawk alien.

Mohawk alien: (alien language).

Clark VO: I see. Which arm?

Panel 2: Same shot but with the spiked hair alien unsheathing her blade.

Panel 3: Spiked hair alien puts her blade on Jason’s right arm. She’s measuring, getting a clearer picture of where her sword will fall.

Panel 4: The spike haired alien lets the blade fall. It is but a fraction away from impact.

Panel 5: Close-up of Sharon looking at forward, towards her son getting his right arm separated from his body.

Lynn VO: His right one.

Jason (off-panel): AAAAHHHH!!!

Page 8

Panel 1: Front shot of the boy on the floor spurting blood from his wound, profusely. The blood is landing on the spiked hair alien. The Mohawk alien is talking to Spiked hair while the other alien just looks on at the people who have gathered before them.

Mohawk: (alien language).

Spiked hair: You…cattle…show me.

Panel 2: Side-shot of Sharon walking past Spiked hair as it walks towards Lynn. We see Jason grabbing his wound. His severed arm is next to him.

Panel 3: Shot of Lynn and Spiked hair walking towards the cattle shed. We see it not too far up. Inside it we see two long rows of strange cow-like creatures running up the shed with a walking path in between them. They are the alien’s food source. The aliens came to Earth, fought off the military, slowly invaded the U.S., and enslaved those who survived the war. Slavery, here, means raising alien cattle, butchering it, and packaging the meat for the aliens. The cow-like creatures are big (like cows), have a single white horn, no eyes, and mouth that parts vertically and opens up to show two large rows of teeth that look quite harmless. They eat grass. The male creatures are black and have white horns. The female creatures are white and have black horns. At the far end of the shed we see two large metal slabs where people set up to cut the meat up.

Panel 4: Large panel of the inside of the cattle shed. The male cow-aliens are mixed in with the female-cow aliens so they can mate. They are in free stalls which are bared up so as to keep the animals in. There are big open space below so the animals can stick their heads out and eat as they are fed. We see the metal slabs at the end with two men with bloody white aprons looking as Lynn and Spiked hair walk down the middle path of the shed. Spiked hair is looking at a male cow-alien.

Panel 5: Close-up of Spiked hair looking at the male cow-alien as she grabs its horn with one hand.

Page 9

Mars Attacks (1996). Dir. Tim Burton.
Panel 1: Spiked hair lifts the animal up. Her sword is in her free hand now. We see Lynn is close to her but looks alarmed.

Panel 2: We pull back to see as Spiked hair cuts the animal’s throat with her sword. The animal’s blood lands on Lynn.

Panel 3: Spiked hair is walking out of the shed, dragging the animal behind her. The animal’s carcass is leaving a trail of blood behind her. We see Lynn looking at Spiked hair as she leaves with the animal.

Spiked Hair: Good slave.

Clark VO: She actually said that?

Lynn VO: Yes. Quite freely, I might add. It actually stung. Takes a real woman to make something like that leave a mark.

Lynn: What the fuck?

Panel 4: Now we’re in Clark’s front porch. Night has fallen. Clark is a tall late-40s man with a grey moustache, an eye-patch covering his left eye, and greying hair. He’s in jeans and a red plaid shirt. Lynn is standing on the porch’s railing, her hands on supporting her on it. Clark is extending a cup of coffee towards Lynn. He has a cup for himself as well.

Clark: Do we really know they’re female, though? I mean, since when do a pair of tits make you a woman? Believe me, I know I’m one of the few to actually argue that.

Lynn: We’ve already accepted them as such. All I know is I resent it. Makes it look like man’s greatest fear was justified. Woman inherits the Earth, enslaves man. They really played into it, giving the rest of us a bad name.

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